Sunday, March 22, 2015

Compiled, "This Is Jesus" (reviewed by Trudy Thompson)


Title: This Is Jesus
Authors: Compilation
Publisher: Deseret Book
Genre: Inspiration
Year Published: 2014
Number of Pages: 38
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN13: 978-1-62972-0180
Price: $24.99

Reviewed by Trudy Thompson For the Association For Mormon Letters

This timely coffee table/gift book combines scriptural references from the Bible with the artwork of J. Kirk Richards. Both the text and illustrations depict the last week of Christ's life through New Testament passages.

The focus is on Christ and his earthly mission, including his teachings, healing, mission and sacrifice. The Savior's ministry, atonement, and resurrection are portrayed through the fine artwork of Mr. Richards, who created these images exclusively for "This is Jesus."  Accompanied by the harmonized account of the Savior's final days on earth, this book reflects a deep reverence for Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice.

Figurative artist J. Kirk Richards is known for his many accomplishments as a painter of Judeo- Christian subject matter. While not all of his work is religious, the majority of his themes stem from spiritual ideas and narratives. His paintings exhibit a love for the human figure, use of symbolism, and an emphasis on lyric composition.

The artwork of Mr. Richards has been featured in galleries across the United States and in various shows and publications. These include the BYU Museum of Art Beholding Salvation exhibit and accompanying book; Lee Groberg's PBS documentary and book, *Sweetwater Rescue*, the PBS Frontline Documentary, "The Mormons: An American Experience*; and the Christmas art books, *The Nativity* and *The Christmas Carol*. His art has appeared multiple times on the cover of BYU Studies Magazine, in the Ensign and Liahona magazines, and on the cover of the nondenominational Christian magazine, *The Upper Room*.

The fact that the illustrations in this book are powerful but not graphic, makes this a perfect gift book for families, not only as we approach the Easter season, but any time of year.  Sometimes pictures are more powerful than words, and this book provides the best of both.

*This is Jesus* is the perfect reminder of why we celebrate the Easter season, and will become a treasured volume in any home for years to come.

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